Zwei sounding images Filme haben einen Preis beim Golden Prague-Festival gewonnen. „Gozo – Eine Insel, zwei Opern“ erhielt den Preis für „Best Documentary“, die „Überlebenskünstler“ den „Vice Foundation Award“ der Dagmar und Václav Havel Foundation. Die „Überlebenskünstler“ waren außerdem auf der Shortlist des Prix d’Italia.
Die Begründung der Jury für Gozo:
A masterpiece of structure and story telling, this film shows music as the engine of social life in a small community. For treating its subject with respect, affection and humour – showing the discipline, the hard work and the unbridled joy of friendly competition that holds an entire community together.
Die Begründung zum „Vice Foundation Award“:
The Dagmar and Václav Havel Foundation VIZE 97 has awarded its international Prize to significant thinkers whose work exceeds the traditional framework of scientific knowledge, contributes to the understanding of science as an integral part of general culture and is concerned with unconventional ways of asking fundamental questions about cognition, being and human existence.